Out Of The Cities!
The Time Has Come...
Dear Friend,
Have you read Mrs. White’s warnings about the need for families to prepare for the coming Sunday law by getting out of the city and establishing a country lifestyle?
If you have then you’ve probably found yourself asking questions like…
“How can I know for sure it’s really time to do this now?"
“Is this really possible for my family?”
“How do I find the right country property?"
“What steps should I take to get started?”
If you feel a bit overwhelmed and maybe even a little confused, I totally understand - I’ve been there.
More than 15 years ago that’s exactly where I was. I was pastoring a Seventh-day Adventist church in the city. I had recently embarked on a study of what Mrs. White counseled regarding families preparing for the coming Sunday law. What I discovered was that she had warned about a time when families would need to move out of the city and position themselves in a country lifestyle before the Sunday law comes. Yes, you read that right - she counseled that we would need to get out of the cities BEFORE the Sunday law. What's more, she even explained how to recognize when it would be time to do that.
That study absolutely blew me away! I was amazed at the statements I found that laid out a clear understanding of how to recognize when families should make that move, and the steps to take to get started. But what really blew me away even more was when I discovered the absolute proof that it is NOW time to take action and get our families out of the city and establish a country lifestyle.
You Can Understand For Yourself
Why It’s Time Now To Get Your
Family Out Of The City...
And The Steps You Need To Take
To Get Started Right Now.
You could study everything in the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy on the topic, (something I spent almost three years doing), spend hours interviewing pastors, teachers and leaders in the church, and then actually take the steps in repositioning your family in a country lifestyle like I have.
Read this simple eBook that condenses everything I’ve learned from the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy about getting out of the city and country living into something you can read in an evening.
No fluff - just the raw information - including the Bible texts and the Spirit of Prophecy quotes along with some important historical events you need to know to understand why it’s time now to get your family out of the city as well as the strategies and steps to take to start establishing your country lifestyle right away.
Here’s just a LITTLE of what you’ll discover…
- 5 Reasons From The Bible and Spirit of Prophecy To Get Your Family Out Of The City Now!
- The Prophetic Sign To Leave The Cities (And The Surprising Truth That It’s Already Happened)
- 6 Essential Steps For Achieving Your New Country Lifestyle
- What To Look For In Country Property – Key Ingredients For Country Living Success
- How To Avoid Common Pitfalls (Don’t Let Your Country Living Dream Turn Into Your Worst Nightmare)
- Ways To Make A Living In The Country
- God’s True Plan For Evangelizing The Cities (And Why Country Living Is A Vital Part Of That Plan)
- And a lot, lot more…
I Can’t Take Credit For
This Information…
I not only researched the Bible and the writings of Ellen White, but I also consulted fellow pastors who I knew had a high regard for the Spirit of Prophecy. I also included vital lessons learned not only from our own personal experience, but the experience gained from helping others achieve a country lifestyle as well.
Don’t let the size (117 pages) fool you. It includes the scriptures, spirit of prophecy quotes, key historical facts as well as the strategies and a step by step plan to get you started.
Don't Be Caught By Surprise By
What Will Soon Be Unleashed
In The Cities...
The Bible and the writings of Ellen White paint a vivid picture of the destruction and disease coming to the cities and the suburbs. There will be serious consequences for those who fail to recognize the signal to get out.
"Erelong there will be such strife and confusion in the cities, that those who wish to leave them will not be able." Ellen G. White, General Conference Bulletin, April 6, 1903
"Out of the Cities: The Time Has Come" explains what the signal to leave the cities is, and when that signal came. But more importantly, this eBook gives you a game plan so you won't be caught by surprise.
In fact, this book lays out the strategies to position your family with a country lifestyle to not only survive, but to thrive during the toughest of times on planet earth.
Learn From My Mistakes
There’s an old saying, “Only a fool learns from his own mistakes. The wise man learns from the mistakes of others.”
Believe me, we've made plenty of mistakes on our country living journey. Not only that, but over the years we've probably seen just about every mistake in the book that others have made as well.
"Out of the Cities: The Time Has Come" gives you the advantage of all that experience so you don't have to repeat those same mistakes.
Think about it - why start from scratch and go through this whole process all by yourself when you can gain the advantage of the research and experience of others who've gone before you?
Can you imagine how much faster and easier it is when you follow a step-by-step plan studied out and developed by dozens of "pioneers" before you that made many costly mistakes before finally achieving a country lifestyle?
But the "Out of the Cities" eBook will give you even more than that. Not only will it provide a shortcut to your country lifestyle, even more importantly, it's a tool to help you study this topic out for yourself so that you understand the real reasons and what the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy have to say on this vital topic.
- The confidence of understanding for yourself end time prophecy, current events and the practical steps to get your family ready
- The peace of mind that comes from doing what’s right for your family – preparing them to thrive in the tough times ahead
- The power of a step-by-step plan so you know exactly what to do next
- Avoiding costly mistakes that can destroy your country living dream
- Getting on the fast-track to achieving a country lifestyle for your family
- Leading your family to become involved with God’s true plan for evangelizing the cities
- And a lot, lot more…
Why It's Just $7...
If you're thinking, "$7 is cheap! What's the catch?" then here are three reasons that should put your mind at ease.
- $7 puts this information within the reach of everyone.... I know many of you are struggling just to make enough money to take care of you and your family. By charging only $7 I make this eBook accessible to hundreds of folks just like you.
- It weeds out the "non-action" takers. I'm interested in helping serious folks that want to take action. Anyone who's not serious enough about making a real change in their life to invest $7 isn't going to take the time to apply the strategies laid out in this book.
- I believe that once you experience this book, you'll want more and maybe...just maybe...you'll come back and purchase some of our other training resources and maybe even upgrade to our Fast Track To Your Homestead training program where you get access to our complete "Out of the Cities" Library.
But that's it...
No fine print...no shenanigans. Just the information you need to get ready for what's coming.
So if you're serious about preparing your family for the tough times ahead, start right now and click the "Add to Cart" button below.
My Guarantee To You...

I stand by the information presented in this book. In fact, I'm backing that up with our full 100% money back guarantee. What that means is that if for any reason you are not satisfied with this eBook, simply send me an email within 30 days of your purchase, and I'll give you a full refund - no questions asked.
So check it out. You have nothing to lose.
Simply click on the "Add To Cart" button below to get instant access to your copy of the "Out of the Cities: The Time Has Come" eBook...
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Your spot is waiting for you to claim it. Just $7 gets you instant access so you can get started getting your family out of the city and to your new country lifestyle. Here’s what you do to add this to your order…Just click the
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Time Is Running Out To
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Time is Very Much “Of the Essence”… I can’t stress the time sensitiveness of this offer enough.
I'm sharing this with you today because you're on our e-mail list and I wanted everyone on our list to have an opportunity to get this important eBook at the discounted price before the price goes back up.
And since it's only $7 Bucks, it's pretty silly not to grab it. Especially with the 100% money back guarantee. In fact, when you consider everything that's happening in the world right now and what's at stake for your family's future, this is - as they say - a "no brainer". 🙂
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Your spot is waiting for you to claim it. Just $7 gets you instant access so you can get started getting your family out of the city and to your new country lifestyle. Here’s what you do to add this to your order…Just click the
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