The Adventist Message – Just In Time…

It was a Sunday morning. The usual buzz of activity was at a high pitch with five of us kids playing, fighting, etc. and then, smoke from the kitchen! Then a shout – “The toaster is on fire!” – quick action from my father put the fire out – almost at the same time the…
Answered Prayer In The Wilderness

Note: Last night my mother-in-law shared this wonderful story about prayer printed on several sheets of paper she’s had for years. Looks like it came from a little pamphlet, but there was no identification on the pages, so if anyone know’s where this came from, please let me know so I can give credit. Anyway…
Ready Or Not?

Like so many of you, I’ve been watching the recent prophetic developments including the rapidly increasing influence and in-roads of the Papacy – truly one of the more impressive historic and prophetic developments of our time. And yet, this should not come as a surprise to Seventh-day Adventists, who have long held that the Bible teaches…